
We have finally arrived to a place where theres a beach. We flew in on saturday afternoon from amsterdam. We rented a nice studio apartment in the heart of barcelona, 3 min walk from the main street called the rumblas. here the women are beautiful and the Beaches are beautiful, the kmans having a ball at the beach, everywere he looks theres topless women and G-Strings. Tommorrow we will do a lot of sight seeing, the nou camp, cathedral, etc.etc. then back to the beach cause Kman wants to go. on Tuesday we fly to Ibiza. Take care, we will put photos up soon.
thats bullshit.
dont read the rubbish.
kenny!!!!!!!!!!!!! you're a stud man!!! cic, is kenny going in the water with just his undies? or did he bring proper shorts this time? quick update if u care...bombers are shit, hird to retire, ghandi throwing in his membership...catch boys
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