Australia Vs Japan

What a Day, What a game. we drove from frankfurt to Kaiserslautern on the morning of the game. Its only about 140 kms, We got into kaiserslautern nice and quick thanks to our courier TGun who was crusing on the autobarn clocking speeds of about 170. The atmosphere was awesome there were Aussie fans everywhere at pubs, walking the streets it was just awesome. The game was fantastic, better than the qualifier against uruguay. Check out all the fotos. there will be more coming.
hi, guys have heaps fun, keep the pics comming. Dont drink 2 much!!! ha ha have one for me!!!
Love Laura
Hi Guy's you look mighty fine!!!! I stumbled accros your blog while searching for a friends. i have added this to my favourites and will monitor it daily. I will be in Germany next week cant wait to meet you on the streets Tgun, cic and Kman I will I have lots of fun with all of you. Oh and by the way, Who is who???? Can you please identify who is who in the next lot of photo's so I can introduce myself to you when I see you sexy things!!!!!!
One last thing. I just figured out who Frank is and when I meet you I will make your trip one to last.
Hey Frank, firstly I'm so fucking jealous ... you guys look like you're all having a ball! Will get your mobile no. off Charms & hopefully H and I can catch up with you in Italy, will let you know when we figure out dates. PS- Good to see you all have a stubby in hand in every single photo !!!
Hey u bastards hope u having a shit trip,wish was there. Photos look cool but more shots on butts pls frankieboy. Keep sending photos through so i dont miss out on anything. Gun dont forget me in amsterdam.....The Doc
these comments are far too nice for my liking!!!
cmon boys give em hell!!
go aussies!!
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